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Photos: Conn. K-9 gets hero’s send-off before being euthanized

Tests revealed K-9 Hunter had an aggressive form of liver cancer

By Police1 Staff

MIDDLETOWN, Conn. — A K-9 received a hero’s send-off before he was put down.

The Middletown Police Department wrote on Facebook that K-9 Hunter had been ill for the past couple of days. Tests revealed he had an aggressive form of liver cancer and doctors recommended euthanization.

The department posted photos of Officer Michael D’Aresta carrying Hunter through a line of saluting officers as the duo made their way to the vet’s office.

“Officer Michael D’Aresta unfortunately has to make the toughest decision any K9 handler dreads making this evening,” the department wrote.

D’Aresta and Hunter began serving with the Middletown PD together in 2007.

“Such a dedicated K-9 team,” the department said. “It will never be the same. Rest in Peace Hunter you’ve done well.”