By Deanna Boyd
The Star-Telegram
FORT WORTH — The man who fatally beat a Forest Hill minister with an electric guitar in October and who stopped breathing after he was put into a patrol car died of PCP ingestion, the Tarrant County medical examiner ruled Tuesday.
“We suspected very early on, based on his behavior, that we might be looking at PCP, just based on prior experience and our knowledge of that drug,” Forest Hill police Chief Dan Dennis said Tuesday. “I wasn’t at all surprised to find that he had it in his system.”
Derrick Birdow crashed his Mercury Grand Marquis into the Greater Sweethome Missionary Baptist Church on Oct. 29, and then attacked the Rev. Danny Kirk Sr., 53, and church janitor John Whitaker. A church secretary hid in a closet and called 911.
Full Story: Forest Hill pastor’s killer was high on PCP, medical examiner reports