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Mo. town’s top officer faces child abuse charges

Kenneth Tomlinson was charged with 16 counts of sodomy

Associated Press

FREDERICKTOWN, Mo. — Authorities say a Boy Scout leader who also is the top police officer in an eastern Missouri town has admitted having sex with boys, videotaping it, then destroying the recordings.

The Missouri State Highway Patrol arrested 42-year-old Kenneth Tomlinson II on Tuesday. Tomlinson, captain of the police force in the small town of Fredericktown, is charged with 16 counts of sodomy involving two boys, ages 12 and 14.

Tomlinson is jailed on $100,000 cash-only bond. It wasn’t clear if he had an attorney.

Tomlinson led a Boy Scout troop in Fredericktown but his membership in the organization has been revoked.

A probable cause statement says Tomlinson admitted having sex with the boys beginning in the spring of 2009. He told investigators he videotaped the acts before destroying the recordings.