Should the need arise to place the driver of a vehicle under arrest (warrant, DWLSR), I have gotten into the habit of completing the ticket and placing my ticket book (no metal case, just the ticket book) on the hood of my crusier. I will then verbally direct the drvier to “come on back and sign this ticket.”
My back up officer will stand off to the side and using the ticket book, I will direct the driver to stand between us. This also allows me to watch the driver walk back to my cruiser and keep an eye out for items thrown down, weapons in the waist band, etc. A good back up officer can also scan the inside of the driver’s vehicle for additional threats.
I have found that drivers become focused on my explanation of the ticket along with signing it and not so focused on me and my back up officer. While he’s distracted, my back up officer and I can initiate the arrest. Should a struggle ensue, the driver can be directed against the hood of the cruiser.
Note that I do not give the driver a pen since it could be a sturdy weapon.