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Fallen N.M. police pilot remembered

Sgt. Andrew Tingwall, one of two people killed in a helicopter crash in New Mexico on June 9, 2009, was remembered with a mile-long procession consisting of police officers from agencies throughout the state. This video from a local television station chronicles the procession.

Tingwall, who received a medal of valor after he single-handedly rescued a man from a river last summer, had been with the New Mexico state police since 1995 and had logged some 1,300 hours of flying time. Tingwall and fellow officer Wesley Cox had picked up a hiker who was lost in the mountains, and were returning to Santa Fe when their aircraft crashed into a 12,000-foot-high mountain peak.

Despite serious injuries, officer Cox was able to walk a mile from the crash site to reach searchers Wednesday morning. Cox is expected to make a full recovery from his injuries.

Doug Wyllie writes police training content on a wide range of topics and trends affecting the law enforcement community. Doug was a co-founder of the Policing Matters podcast and a longtime co-host of the program.