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Slain N.Y. officer posthumously promoted

By Leonard Greene
The New York Post
Related: N.Y. officers investigated in police death

WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. — The brave Mount Vernon cop who was gunned down by four Westchester officers as he struggled with a homeless man trying to steal his gun was posthumously promoted to detective yesterday.
It was cold comfort to the heartsick family of Officer Christopher Ridley, who received gold shield No. 11 in his honor.

The heart-wrenching ceremony took place in Mount Vernon’s City Hall Council Chambers, where the 23-year-old officer had proudly taken the oath of office in January 2006.

“Let it be known from this moment on, that Christopher A. Ridley died a hero,” said Mount Vernon Police Commissioner David Chong.

Still in dispute is whether Ridley, who was in civilian clothes, identified himself as a police officer - or if he even heard the four cops yell at him to drop the gun outside the Department of Social Services office in White Plains.

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