By Brian Nordli
Las Vegas Sun
A North Las Vegas police union voted unanimously on Friday on a vote of “no confidence” in City Manager Tim Hacker.
The vote came two days after the North Las Vegas City Council declared a state of emergency for the second year in a row to close an $18 million budget deficit after stalled negotiations with unions. North Las Vegas Police Supervisors Union President Leonard Cardinale said the union has opposed the city’s decision both instances, claiming it is an illegal use of the resolution.
The supervisors union filed a second lawsuit against the city for both emergency declarations as well as a motion for a temporary restraining order on Thursday. Cardinale said the union believes Hacker is mismanaging the city.
“He needs to go. It’s time for him to go,” Cardinale said. “I don’t think he’s capable of managing a city our size with as many employees as he has. He seems to be very anti-employee, anti-union.”
The declaration of emergency enables the city to enforce concessions on its police officers, police supervisors, firefighters and Teamster unions to close an $18 million budget deficit after negotiations stalled for a second year. Under the declaration, the city prevents unions from taking salary increases and other benefits outlined in their contracts.
The city is still working to settle lawsuits filed by the firefighters, police officers and supervisors unions for last year’s emergency declaration.
Cardinale said he plans to reach out to Hacker once more before the second lawsuit’s court case begins on July 16 to find common ground. Still, the union is also considering contacting the Department of Justice to initiate an investigation on Hacker.
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