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#CiscoPublicSafety introduces new public safety technologies series


Throughout this blog series, we will delve further into such technologies and assess their effects on public safety programs.

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By Bob Stanberry
Cisco Government Blog

We are very excited to announce the beginning of our new blog series on public safety. This series will include a number of posts that examine the intersection of technology and public safety as well as identify solutions to promote greater awareness and action.

Having worked in this field for over 15 years, I am especially enthusiastic about sharing my thoughts and starting a conversation on these issues. Before leading the Cisco’s Connected Justice Solution and Public Safety Business Development team, I was a Chief of Police and dealt with all of the same issues that agencies are dealing with today.

Throughout my career, I have been passionate about improving the criminal justice system as well as government and public safety. And to this end, I have worked to streamline processes, lower costs, and increase efficiencies through the use of technology while making first responders safer.

As new technologies emerge, so do new possibilities. With the advent of mobility, the cloud, and security, we can harness modern tools to increase public safety.

Full Story: #CiscoPublicSafety Series Kick-Off: New Technologies in Public Safety Systems