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Firearms gift ideas just in time for Christmas

A nice listing of AR-15 tools, accessories, and complete rifles and uppers for your enjoyment this Christmas season


Multi-Tasker AR-15 Tools incorporate common tools used to service and maintain your AR-15 such as a front sight adjustment tool, carbon scraper, and a series of bits that fit into the end of the tool for different applications.

Christmas is just around the corner and I am all over it! Here is a small compilation of some really useful products that I think are very worthwhile and would make cool gifts for the Christmas season.

Multi-Tasker AR-15 Tools
I saw this one at the 2010 SHOT Show early in the year and talked with Shane Keng about acquiring one for testing and evaluation in our academy. Mr. Keng from Multi-Tasker AR-15 Tools sent me the “tube” model, which incorporates a minimalist design which includes a front sight adjustment tool, carbon scraper, and a series of bits that fit into the end of the tool for different applications. The other multi-tool items were sent later and incorporate common tools used to service and maintain your AR-15.

They are definitely worth having in your AR-15 tool kit in your vehicle when you are in the field and need to work on your AR. Brownells is selling them for between $69.95 and $89.95 depending on which model you are purchasing. The Brownell’s website has further product descriptions.

CATM4 AR Bolt and Bolt Carrier Cleaning Tool
The next one comes from Sam Johnson from CATM4. This handy tool cleans the carbon from the bolt and the inside of the bolt carrier as well as the firing pin faster than any other tool on the market. You can get your AR back into “Tactical Tolerances” in short order and then take it to a more detailed cleaning by adding solvent and a cotton patch to the tool. I have used it for a year and I love it! Price is just $29.95 plus shipping.

AR-15 Cleaning Kit by Iosso Products ($64.95)
The following description comes from the Iosso website.

“This cleaning kit contains 6 precision fit brushes. The brushes clean the Upper Receiver, Chamber, Bolt Carrier, .223 bore, Bolt Carrier Key Tube, and the Gas Tube. The Gas tube brush cleans the entire length of the gas tube without disassembly of the upper receiver. The kit also includes the Eliminator Cleaning Tool & Rod. This cleaning tool is handy for tight cleaning jobs where a regular rod is too long and cumbersome to use. This short sturdy tool is useful with any Eliminator Brush to clean pistol bores, chambers, revolver cylinders, case cleaning, neck turning, etc. Use it with the Bolt Carrier Key Brush, Bolt Carrier Brush and as a handle to attach the Eliminator Bore Cleaning Rope (also included).When the extension rod is attached, it is stationary and will not spin. Use it with the Upper Receiver Brush and Chamber Brush. It may also be used for any job that requires a longer handle.”

I had a chance to use this product lineup this year and I found it to be a handy addition to the AR cleaning kit. The brushes allow access into hard to get at areas and the cleaning tool and rod was surprisingly handy to use in tighter spaces.

The Iosso bore cleaner paste ($6.95) is used by some very knowledgeable bench rest and tactical shooters to clean the carbon out of the critical throat area just ahead of the chamber. Used correctly, it will keep your bore clean and help prevent carbon fouling from eroding your barrel’s accuracy.

I use it periodically in all my precision rifles and AR-15s.

Larue Tactical
While there are many products that Larue Tactical makes, particularly like their scope mounts for low powered optics for patrol or SWAT use.

The extended eye relief is very useful for setting the correct eye relief to use a low-powered 1-4 power scope to maximum benefit.

Quick on and off capability with almost no discernible shift of zero allows the user to configure the gun to the mission. I have used mine for more than two years, and absolutely love it.

Nightforce 1-4 x 24 NXS
If you are looking for a bulletproof scope to put on your AR-15, look no further than the Nightforce 1-4 x 24 NXS.

I have field tested and used this scope under a variety of conditions in all kinds of weather. It is rugged, has very clear optics, positive click adjustments and won’t shift zero or break like lesser scopes will when put to the test.

The FC-2 reticle is fast during the daylight and has a lighted reticle for use in lower light conditions. Once you learn the reticle, you can make accurate shots at extended ranges very quickly.

When used with the Larue mount as shown above, you have a great system you can depend on when lives are on the line.

AR Performance
One of the really cool finds this year is a company right here in my home state of Colorado that has been around for a few years but doesn’t do a lot of marketing. AR Performance is one of the leaders in the field in developing cutting edge AR-15 uppers and complete rifles. Their 6.8 SPC uppers utilize optimal barrel twists and rifling to bring the velocity to the full potential of the cartridge instead of the outmoded specifications brought out by other manufacturers. With 30 percent greater energy than the .223 with even the 77 grain loads, the 6.8, with new bullet weights, is starting to make a real impact in improved ballistics in an AR-15 sized package, particularly in short barreled carbines.

AR-15 performance manufactures SBR’s and a really cool 6 BR and 6.5 BR carbine that will launch 95, 105, and higher bullet weights at speeds that will make them a sure hit in both the tactical and hunting markets.

I will be doing testing and evaluation of their products for future articles for Police1 and a very thorough evaluation with recommendations for usage for the PSA membership on my website.

So, there you have it! A nice listing of AR-15 tools, accessories, and complete rifles and uppers for your enjoyment this Christmas season.

May the blessings of this Holiday Season touch each and every one of you, your family, and your friends!

Ron Avery was the co-founder and director of training for The Tactical Performance Center (TPC) located in St. George, Utah. A former police officer, as well as a martial artist, Ron brought that experience into the training environment. He was internationally recognized as a researcher, firearms trainer and world-class shooter, and his training methodology has been used by hundreds of agencies and thousands of individuals across the US and internationally. He was a weapons and tactics trainer for handgun, carbine, precision rifle and shotgun, as well as advanced instructor schools, defensive tactics, low light tactics and officer survival.

Ron passed away on February 23, 2019, leaving a legacy of contributions to police firearms and defensive tactics training.