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Two New Police iPhone Applications Released

Ron Shelnutt, a full time (sworn) law enforcement officer with the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, has developed two new law enforcement applications for the iPhone or iTouch. The first is called Police Miranda Warnings and the second DUI Warning and Test Instructions. The Police Miranda Warning Application displays the national standard Miranda warnings established by the U.S. Supreme Court and allows officers to access the warnings with the push of a button. Using the application means that an officer won’t have to look through a wallet or notebook for the Miranda warning card officers are required to have. The second application, DUI Warning and Test Instructions, has a similar functionality. Instead of fumbling around for the Implied Consent Card, an officer using his or her iPhone can get access to the field sobriety test instructions and a .08 chart. You no longer need a flashlight to read the cards!

About Ron Shelnutt
Ron Shelnutt is a 14-year veteran in law enforcement and for the last 9 years has served as a K9 handler in the elite IMPD K9 unit. As a street cop he understands the needs of fellow cops and plans to continue the development of more Applications that can help officers in their daily needs. His web site is