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New software helps Colo. agencies improve service to communities

Mountain Village and Telluride share data to enhance crime analysis, records management

Mountain Village, Colo. – In an effort to improve crime-solving, two Colorado resort towns are sharing data using new software from Spillman Technologies.

Using Spillman, the Mountain Village Police Department and the Telluride Marshal’s Department can share information with the Montrose Police Department, Montrose County Sheriff’s Office, and the 7th Judicial Drug Task Force. Data collected by all of the agencies is stored on a server located at the Montrose Police Department, where it can be accessed by authorized personnel in each jurisdiction.

Access to a wide range of information will allow the agencies to improve investigations and solve crimes faster, said Mountain Village Police Department Sgt. Jim Brand.

“The sharing of data and crime information with our neighboring department, the Telluride Marshal’s Department, will assist both departments in investigations and successful prosecutions,” Brand said. “Being able to track criminal activity over the area served by the Montrose system will benefit all departments using the system.”

Mountain Village and Telluride are located in southwestern Colorado’s San Juan mountain range. Tourists flock to the region year-round for skiing, golf, and festivals, Brand said, easily quadrupling the area’s population.

The records system allows the Telluride Marshal’s Department to streamline records management, said Chief James Kolar, freeing up personnel to dedicate more time to serving the community.

“Service to our citizens is our No. 1 priority,” Kolar said. “Improving our records system will go a long way toward accomplishing this.”

The Mountain Village Police Department and the Telluride Marshal’s Department purchased Spillman’s Imaging, Law Records, Traffic Information, and State Link modules, Spillman’s Mobile solution, and Spillman InSight.

Both agencies received funds from the Recovery Act Justice Assistance Grant Program to purchase the software.

Spillman software also allows the agencies to work more closely with Montrose County Sheriff’s dispatch center, Brand said. Using Spillman’s Computer-Aided Dispatch module, information entered by dispatchers can be shared instantly throughout all Spillman modules. Personnel completing electronic forms can access data collected by dispatchers, allowing them to file forms faster and eliminating the need to re-enter data into the system.

“We believe that this feature will cut down on the amount of time officers spend completing reporting duties,” Brand said, “and allow them to spend more time on the streets working with the public.”

The agencies went live on Dec. 1, joining 35 agencies in Colorado and more than 800 agencies across the nation already using Spillman software.

Brand said Mountain Village chose Spillman based in part on its regular software enhancements, reputation for excellent customer service, and dedicated employees.

“The quality of the personnel, from Richard Spillman to the current staff, has been outstanding,” Brand said.

Spillman Technologies provides a full range of integrated software solutions for public safety agencies, including Records Management, Computer-Aided Dispatch, Mobile Communications, Corrections Management, Fire/EMS Management, Resource Management, and Data Sharing.

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