The City of Hope Charity boxing event started in November of 1994, shortly after Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputies encountered a young boy who been diagnosed with cancer while working patrol in the East Los Angeles area. The boy, “Joshua Moreno”, “touched” the sheriff’s deputies in such a way that they befriended the young boy and attempted to provide help and improve the quality of life for him and his family. Young Joshua succumbed to the disease and passed on February 21, 1994.
Shortly after the boy’s passing, the same deputies were committed to helping others and turned to a close friend, who was a member of the Los Angeles Police Department’s, Officer George Lopez. He asked Officer Lopez if he would be interested in joining him in organizing a boxing event, between the Sheriff’s Department and the Los Angeles Police Department. This event was a “natural fit” for the deputies and officer, due to the fact that they were members of their respective departments’ boxing teams. The event would be a fund-raiser benefiting the City of Hope National Medical Center, locate in the City of Duarte, California. The City of Hope Medical Center helps thousands of people, young and old around the world, battle life threatening diseases. With the support of the Sheriff and LAPD Chief, a committee was formed.
The second year of this event proved to be unique in the fact that one of their own from both law enforcement agencies had been diagnosed with cancer, Sheriff’s Sergeant Sylvia Smith and LAPD Officer Diane Alonzo. Both women met in the center of the ring during the event and together began their own fight to battle this deadly disease. The women fought long and hard, but unfortunately Sergeant Smith Succumb to the disease. Officer Alonzo to the date is cancer free and has rejoined her law enforcement family, as well a becoming a member of the Fight for Life boxing committee.
This year’s City of Hope Fight for Life boxing event will be the 11th annual event, and to date has raised over $300,000, and continues to grow in popularity and support. In the past, both the LAPD and Sheriff’s Department have joined together and competed against the likes of Los Angeles County and City Firefighters, Scotland Yard, NYDP, and NYFD. This year’s event will feature a combined team made up of LAPD Officers and Sheriff’s Deputies versus and international team made up of British, Canadian, Australian, India, and Possibly Mexico. Whatever the outcome from this event, whether the competitors win or lose, they are all in agreement that the true winner here is the City of Hope National Medical Center and the millions of individuals they treat yearly.
- Officer Diane Alonzo
Los Angeles Police Department
The event is scheduled for November 12, 2004 at the Grand Olympic Auditorium, Los Angeles. The event is scheduled to start at 6:00PM.
For more information, please visit or contact Officer Diane Alonzo at 213-485-2902 or Isaac Gonzalez, Deputy Sheriff (Retired) 949-202-8027.