(Wausau, WI)—Beginning July 1, 2006, Northcentral Technical College (NTC) will be the sole provider of RedMan Training, a nationally recognized training division providing hands-on, realistic scenarios that help prepare participants for critical decision-making when real-life confrontations arise.
“NTC is proud to expand its specialized law enforcement programming on a national and International level with the addition of the RedMan Training Division,” said Deb Grant, NTC Dean.
Available courses include ground defense systems, crowd management for law enforcement and corrections, edged weapon defense, water safety and much more. The college provides basic user, instructor and line staff training and technical assistance contracts that can be customized to fit the unique and individual needs of your organization or department.
NTC also offers a State of Wisconsin, Department of Justice certified regional training academy providing basic, continuing education, specialized and instructor training in law enforcement, corrections and juvenile detention.
For more information on the RedMan Training Division, visit www.redmantraining.net or call 1.888.NTC.7144, Ext. 4411.