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PAR36 LED Running Lights Now Available For Police Motorcycle

Urbana, Illinois -- This revolutionary new PARLED 36 warning system has been years in development. Utilizing the new Hewlett-Packard® ten-year warranty LED in a unique configuration for the front of the motorcycle. Seven high-powered LED’s with custom optics for each LED have a constant current for maximum intensity and consistency. The PARLED 36 contains one center white LED surrounded by six LED’s of extreme brightness. During normal operation the white LED’s remain on as running lights. When in pursuit mode, the twin circuit design allows the whites to alternate with the opposing color (an industry first) to provide an awesome wig-wag warning light pattern.

Anodized aluminum housing provides optimal heat extraction and is covered by a clear Lexan outer lens. This package requires the included Nova flasher module. The entire set is an exclusive of Squad-Fitters. Each kit contains two PARLED 36 lights, color of your choice, with wiring and Flasher module. These lights are available in red, amber and blue and they fit easily into standard PAR36 housing.

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