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USNSTA Conference


303 W. State St.
Geneva, Il 60134
(603) 232-7913

(November 26th 2001) – Controlled F.O.R.C.E., best known for its commitment to providing the ultimate in law enforcement defense tactics training, announces the Second annual United States National Standards of Training Association Conference to be held November 26th through December 1st, 2001 In Las Vegas NV. @ Sams Town Hotel & Casino.

The United States National Standards of Training Association, or U.S.N.S.T.A, has made outstanding advances in its mission to create a National Standard Curriculum of Training. The U.S.N.S.T.A. is tenaciously dedicated to the creation of this curriculum, which is geared towards law-enforcement, federal agencies and military personnel of all types. The goal is to develop a certification of knowledge that can be used as an integrated format of operation between law-enforcement officers in all departments, all over the United States and possibly abroad. The curriculum created by the U.S.N.S.T.A., will be one that can be recognized and accepted by departments and agencies in every city, county and state.

Controlled F.O.R.C.E., in conjunction with the U.S.N.S.T.A., has worked hard to collect some of the greatest instructors and programs in the world. United together, these instructors and programs create a simple system of training that is effective and easy to learn for both the newest recruit and the most seasoned officer. The U.S.N.S.T.A. believes that the paramount aspect of the training curriculum is that the techniques can be learned immediately, not after months of relentless practicing. The U.S.N.S.T.A. is dedicated to creating a system of training that is not fearful of being scrutinized by anyone or any department across the country. It is a system that will not be written in unchangeable stone, but rather by the needs of students/officers in the field. Instructors, in line with U.S.N.S.T.A .standards, are committed to creating a team that will focus on the officer who requires the training to function in his or her job duties, and just maybe, will learn enough to survive another day.

The Controlled F.O.R.C.E./U.S.N.S.T.A. Conference is open to all POST TRAINING OFFICIALS of their State or Region. This will enable you to talk with other officials from all over the United States, with the hope of developing and enhancing each academy’s criteria. This is a personal invitation to you.

United States National Standards of Training