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Suspect arrested after Idaho standoff


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Idaho Falls Post Register

A roadside standoff ended quietly after a Rexburg police officer persuaded a Madison County man to surrender.

Deputies pulled over Richard G. Victory on U.S. Highway 20 near Rexburg sometime after 9 p.m. Sunday, not long after the 18-year-old Burton resident forced a motorist to pull over, blocked the road, pointed a rifle at the victim and stole his wallet, phone and cigarettes before driving away, according to a news release from the Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office.

After the alleged armed robbery, the victim flagged a passing motorist, who called the sheriff’s office. Dispatchers alerted other law enforcement agencies to be on the lookout for Victory.

A deputy with the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office spotted his car just after 9 p.m. and followed it until backup arrived. Victory finally pulled over at an offramp near Rexburg, the release said.

As troopers with the Idaho State Police blocked the highway, deputies from Jefferson and Madison counties and officers with the Rexburg Police Department showed up to help.

Madison County Sheriff’s Capt. Travis Williams said Officer Lyndon Baron of the Rexburg Police Department talked to Victory on a cell phone for 45 minutes before Victory surrendered.

“He did a very good job at talking this guy out of the car so that nobody got hurt,” Williams said.

Victory was charged with robbery and is in the Bonneville County Jail without bond.

The incident isn’t Victory’s first run-in with police, Williams said. During the summer, a SWAT team was called to a field near Victory’s home. Williams said Victory sat with a gun pointed at his chest and later at officers.

“This particular subject keeps playing this game, and it’s a very dangerous game to play,” Williams said.

December 6, 2005