by Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar, Los Angeles Times
WASHINGTON - Airline pilots would be allowed to use semiautomatic pistols to defend their cockpits against terrorist attacks under legislation passed overwhelmingly by the House yesterday.
But prospects that the bill will become law remain uncertain because of opposition from the airline industry, concerns at the Transportation Department and skepticism in the Senate.
The House voted 310-113, with Democrats Jim McDermott and Jay Inslee casting the only “no” votes among lawmakers from Washington state.
Still, Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Ernest Hollings, D-S.C., remains steadfastly opposed, said his spokesman, Andy Davis.
“Where this goes from here is hard to tell,” Davis said. “The White House doesn’t support it. The Transportation Department doesn’t support it.”
During House debate, lawmakers rejected a compromise that would have limited the program to 1,400 volunteer “federal flight-deck officers” over a two-year test period. Instead, by a 250-175 vote, they approved an amendment by Rep. Peter DeFazio, D-Ore., to make the program permanent and open it to any pilot volunteer qualified to undergo training.
McDermott and Inslee were joined by fellow Washington state Democrats Norm Dicks and Rick Larsen in opposing the DeFazio amendment.
The House vote was a clear victory for pilots unions, which lobbied hard for legislation that would allow members to carry guns. That military jets now can bring down hijacked civilian airliners proved to be a persuasive argument for arming pilots.
“Today, armed F-16s are prepared to shoot down any commercial jet that is hijacked by terrorists,” said House Transportation Committee Chairman Don Young, R-Alaska. “Under these new circumstances, we must allow trained and qualified pilots to serve as the last line of defense.”
But airlines fear that giving pilots guns could lead to accidental shootings and lawsuits from passengers. The flight-attendants union also opposes arming pilots, worried that its members could become unintended victims in a shootout.
Some airlines are advocating stun guns as an alternative. United Airlines has purchased more than 1,300 of the nonlethal devices and has begun training its pilots. But the Transportation Security Administration and the Federal Aviation Administration do not appear to be close to a decision on whether to permit their use.
Immediately after the Sept. 11 attacks, the government and the airlines took steps to reinforce cockpit doors. Temporary metal bars were installed quickly, and the flimsy doors now are being replaced with ones that can withstand bullets. Strict procedures were instituted for opening and closing cockpit doors.
Senate supporters of arming pilots — frustrated by Hollings’ opposition — said the House vote will help their legislation. They are looking for another bill to attach it to on the Senate floor.
The House action “demonstrates that the best way to fight terrorism is not with toys but with handguns,” said Eric Bovim, a spokesman for Sen. Conrad Burns, R-Mont. “This sends a message to the Senate and to the administration.”
Burns, a conservative, won an unlikely ally yesterday when liberal Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., endorsed the Senate version of the bill. Boxer said that “until I am satisfied with the number of air marshals on commercial flights, this bill ... is a matter of life and death.”
The number of air marshals is classified, but it has been increased greatly from the 32 who were available Sept. 11.