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Muslim Operatives, Activists, Threats Within Our Ranks

Fellow Professionals:
As you know, a U.S. soldier being described as a Muslim is now in custody for alleged complicity in the grenade and small-arms attack on members of the U.S. Army’s 101st Airborne Division encamped at Camp Pennsylvania in Northern Kuwait - which injured 16 soldiers, one of whom died. Several others were injured seriously, and three are in surgery. Mark Fidel Kools, now known as Asan Akbar, apparently made a choice between Islam and America. Two Kuwaitis who had served as translators are also being held for questioning. Grenades were rolled into two commanders’ tents. When officers ran from their tents, they were hit by small arms fire.

The military camp is named in honor of the heroic victims of the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania during the Sept. 11 attacks. It is also home to Patriot missile batteries. A Time magazine reporter with the 101st, was in the tent next to the two tents that were the object of the grenade attack. In a phone interview, he told Fox News that the soldier responsible has an “Arabic-sounding” last name. Asked what his explanation of the perpetrator’s motives, he said he believed “it was part of his misguided interpretation of his Muslim faith.”

As Newsletter subscribers already know, there are Muslims not only covertly planted in cells across the United States, but also in America’s Law Enforcement, America’s Fire Departments, America’s Military, and at least one we know of, with the FBI. Muslim firemen publicly objected to flying the American Flag after the 9/11 terrorist attacks...... the Fed stalled off an investigation prior to the 9/11 terrorist attacks into Islamic elements involved in the attack on America.......there have been reports reaching us of believed compromised Police actions, and now an American Muslim appears to have murderously attacked his own Brothers In Arms in the military

“Jihad” is a real-deal Holy War, not just with middle east Muslims, but for Muslims everywhere in the world, including the United States. It is not just Muslims from the middle east who are indoctrinated to be violent religious fanatics, but also those who are citizens of other countries, again including these United States. Muslims who are non Jihadists are classified by the religious leaders of Islam as “apostate” if they don’t carry out the Jihad’s terrorist attacks. You don’t un-join Islam, or let your membership expire. Muslim are being given religious edicts which state that they are in a religious war, a war of Islam against America, and the killing all infidels and Jews is mandated by “Allah”.

Note: No time or space for lengthy reports here, but it must be understood that Islam has been very effective in translating their middle east religion into a religion of total hatred and killing. It has attracted many groups who feel disenfranchised in many countries, including our own.

One of the most serious problems America now faces, is in discerning who may be radical, dangerous Muslims pledged to Jihad, planted or operating in strategic positions.

We Understand

There are moments in history when the world is confronted with an age-old question: Do you stand united in the face of evil, or do you close your eyes and hope for the best?

A cruel and cowardly dictator has used his military and security forces to brutalize civilians. He has flouted every international convention and norm relating to the protection of human life and liberty. He has played on the good intentions and patience of the international community to buy time while his reign of terror prevails across the land. He has played the international community for fools.

We in Kosovo know something about facing evil, because that dictator was Slobodan Milosevic,

and we were his victims.

For 10 years our people faced the brutality of his police state. Villages were burned, women and children were killed, and all the while the dictator was given one chance after another by the international community to reform his ways. While they talked, our villages burned.

The U.N. Security Council could not agree on what to do. But our voice was heard, and under the leadership of the United States, a coalition of the forces of freedom confronted the dictator with an ultimatum. This coalition acted with the courage of its convictions, backed up by the promise of the use of force in the defense of human rights. In our hour of need, the United States, Britain and the rest of the coalition took on the dictator and liberated a nation.

We Kosovars know firsthand that peace is not simply the absence of war. Dictators will use the goodwill of the international community to buy time while they continue to crush the people under their control. Wherever men are denied freedom, there is a threat to peace. Whenever we leave them in bondage, there is a threat to our own dignity. Whenever we fail to act in the face of evil, a shadow is cast across the future of humanity.

Today the world is faced with the age-old question: Do we stand united in the face of evil, or do we close our eyes and hope for the best? We Kosovars stand with the forces of freedom. We know that when confronting evil, there is no compromise.

And so, in the coming conflict with Saddam Hussein, we stand with you, America. We are here to tell you that your sacrifices for the cause of human freedom are remembered. We are here to bear witness to the fact that the day of the dictator is over - and that peace can be ensured only when all are free.

The writer, Bajram Rexhepi, is prime minister of the coalition government of Kosovo.

......End Bulletin.....

This article is reprinted with permission from Informed Source Newsletter at

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