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Gary T. Klugiewicz

Klugie’s Correctional Corner

Experience, expertise and communication skills are the criteria by which a defensive tactics instructor is judged. By these measures, Gary T. Klugiewicz is recognized as one of the nation’s leading control systems analysts specializing in the Use of Force. Gary is the training director for Vistelar a global consulting & training firm that addresses the entire spectrum of human conflict. He retired from the Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Department in 2001 after 25 years of service, during which he rose to the rank of captain. He spent more than 30 years as a line officer, supervisor and a control systems designer. Contact Gary Klugiewicz

We must understand that the one way to not be audio- or videotaped acting badly is to act professionally at all times
We all know that whether the officer’s actions are justifiable or not depends on the totality of the circumstances known to the officer at the time of the incident