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Use of Force

The Use of Force topic provides news, information and training on one of the most commonly discussed areas in police training programs. Learn how to educate your community about use of force, the risks unarmed individuals pose and more.

New York City Police Commissioner Theodore Roosevelt’s words resonate for law enforcement today as much as they did a century ago
Being willing to employ an effective technique or tactic the instant it is justified will do more to control a suspect than starting with an inadequate one
A pivotal 2020 case examines how TASER logs and video footage can impact an ongoing debate surrounding police use of force
Science can redefine how we evaluate police actions, and ensure accountability that’s fair and just
Prosecutors said the officers lied to their supervisor, to the EMS personnel treating Nichols and in their written reports about the extent of the force they used
Unfortunately, law enforcement agencies have traditionally been hesitant to engage in this kind of self-analysis and information sharing
These principles will help you physically, legally and emotionally survive law enforcement
Axon’s Thi Luu and Andy Wrenn explain how portable virtual reality training pods and realistic scenarios can improve officer performance, safety and community engagement
MILO’s simulations offer realistic training options that allow departments to train their officers in both the use of firearms and less-lethal force options
Remember to prepare for the conditions you might find yourself outside in for several hours
In Quinn v. Zerkle, the 4th Circuit weighs the legality of implied consent after a door opens following a police pursuit, while upholding the use of force in a rapidly evolving confrontation
Smith discusses the TASER 10, VR-based training and the impact of AI on policing, highlighting how these advancements enhance officer safety, efficiency and effectiveness
While it’s easy to rely on established case law, officers and legal professionals must avoid a one-size-fits-all approach
Douglas County Attorney Don Kleine said the officer shot the man “in fear for his life and his fellow officers,” as the man charged toward him
Gracie, a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt, discusses a new method of lateral restraint he developed where two subjects can control one person using a novel set of grips
When an officer has “sufficient time to comprehend that a suspect was subdued,” continued force is unreasonable, but officers are given leeway to assess the threat level
The court ruled the officers’ use of force, aimed at stopping an armed driver who had shot a police K-9 and his handler, was not excessive
Explore the significant distortions caused by fisheye lenses in body-worn cameras and understand the implications for accurate scene documentation and critical incident analysis
“Wrong is wrong. There’s not really anything to investigate,” said Jonesboro Police Chief Rick Elliott, who immediately fired the officer and referred the case to prosecutors
Properly designed and safely executed force-on-force training helps learners prioritize their actions during stressful encounters
“Some individuals would rather see our community divided and in turmoil than allow me to continue serving as sheriff,” Sangamon County Sheriff Jack Campbell stated
Officers must be extremely cautious in executing a paramedic’s request to apply pressure to a prone individual’s back and upper torso
Because of how the allegations unfolded against Anthony Villanueva in two separate legal systems, he has little recourse to rejoin the force
A guide to proven control tactics, less lawsuits and building community trust through martial arts
Force-on-force training is valuable when realistic but can be fraught with danger if not done with a laser focus on safety
The jury found Auburn Police Officer Jeffrey Nelson guilty of second-degree murder and first-degree assault in the 2019 death of Jesse Sarey
Exploring the ever-growing array of options and implements that promise to restore order to out-of-control situations
Use the tactical decision making equation to explain the process of how you arrived at your decision
Imagine how policing could improve if instead of just investigating incidents to find blame, we also investigated incidents to learn how to avoid them happening in the first place