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Keith Graves

The Drug Warrior

Keith is a retired Police Sergeant who worked in the San Francisco Bay Area for 29 years. He was named as California’s Narcotics Officer of the Year and is a prior winner of MADD’s California Hero Award. He has years of experience as a Narcotics Detective and a Narcotics Unit Supervisor and is a Drug Recognition Expert Instructor (IACP #3292). He has developed several drug courses for the California Narcotics Officers Association, California POST and California Colleges, and currently consults POST on drug investigation procedures. Keith has taught thousands of officers and businesses around the world about drug use, drug trends, compliance training and drug investigations. He is recognized as an international drug expert and has testified as an expert in court proceedings on drug cases, homicide cases and rape prosecutions. Keith is the Founder and President of Graves & Associates, a company dedicated to providing drug training to law enforcement and private industry. Keith is a member of the Police1 Editorial Advisory Board.

What can officers do to protect themselves while investigating drug-related crimes?
Follow these steps to limit your exposure risk and improve your safety
The drug landscape in the U.S. over the last decade has shifted, with the opioid threat reaching epidemic levels and impacting significant portions of the country
From SWAT to narcotics, becoming an expert is a lot of hard work. If it wasn’t hard, everyone would be an expert
Subjects under the influence of TCP pose a significant threat to police officers
Follow these guidelines to minimize the risk of injury to yourself, other officers, the suspect and bystanders
Kratom, currently sold as a health supplement, is often used by individuals as an alternative to heroin
The service is a comprehensive, 24-hour crisis referral service for all public safety employees, all emergency services personnel and their family members nationwide
Taking drugs anally has been going on for quite some time. Meth users have been getting high by “plugging” their drug of choice for two decades
Dealers are pressing powdered heroin using pill presses and using pharmaceutical opiate dyes to mask their efforts