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Keith Graves

The Drug Warrior

Keith is a retired Police Sergeant who worked in the San Francisco Bay Area for 29 years. He was named as California’s Narcotics Officer of the Year and is a prior winner of MADD’s California Hero Award. He has years of experience as a Narcotics Detective and a Narcotics Unit Supervisor and is a Drug Recognition Expert Instructor (IACP #3292). He has developed several drug courses for the California Narcotics Officers Association, California POST and California Colleges, and currently consults POST on drug investigation procedures. Keith has taught thousands of officers and businesses around the world about drug use, drug trends, compliance training and drug investigations. He is recognized as an international drug expert and has testified as an expert in court proceedings on drug cases, homicide cases and rape prosecutions. Keith is the Founder and President of Graves & Associates, a company dedicated to providing drug training to law enforcement and private industry. Keith is a member of the Police1 Editorial Advisory Board.

It’s important for officers not to treat entering and processing indoor marijuana grows as a routine event
As these drugs become more popular, it is imperative that officers arm themselves with knowledge of the signs and symptoms of influence
With drugs like bath salts, spice, flakka, mephedrone and others, the landscape of drug use is becoming more and more cluttered
If you want to become one of the best dope cops in your agency, listen up
Recent news from Florida has shed light on a new drug called Flakka, and its use is not isolated to the sunshine state
According to Troy Gielish, an instructor for the California Narcotics Officers Association, “Molly” can be any number of 100 different chemicals
Many ham operators can locate a grow simply by taking a radio and portable antennae out into their neighborhood and using the radio to triangulate the exact location of the grow
In the past two and a half decades, we have passed all sorts of measures that benefited the criminal over the law abiding public
If officers don’t take the right steps to ensure their personal safety on scene of a BHO lab, they can find themselves the next victims in a BHO explosion
Keeping your kids away from drugs is a tough road, but it’s important to talk to them about drugs before someone else does