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Scott Stewart

Tactical Intelligence

Scott Stewart is STRATFOR’s VP of Analysis. He is a former Diplomatic Security Service Special Agent who was involved in hundreds of terrorism investigations, most notably the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and the follow-on New York City bomb plot investigation, during which he served as lead investigator for the U.S. State Department. He led a team of Americans who aided the government of Argentina in investigating the 1992 bombing of the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires, and was involved in investigations following a series of attacks and attempted attacks by the Iraqi intelligence service during the first Gulf War.

Unlike some other recent attempted attacks, we must recognize that in the case of Anders Breivik, Norwegian authorities were dealing with a very capable lone wolf operator
As U.S. interdiction efforts curtailed the Caribbean drug flow, and Colombian cartels were dismantled with U.S. help, Mexican cartels gained more prominence and power in the flow of cocaine and other drugs
That bin Laden was located in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province did not come as a surprise — STRATFOR has discussed this likelihood since 2005
Though some in the media have speculated that the agents were targeted specifically, it is more likely that the attackers wanted their vehicle
The same economic law of supply and demand that fuels drug smuggling into the US fuels gun smuggling into Mexico
The 2010 holiday season was free from terrorist attacks, but it was not free from the fear of them