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First responder cyclist group to host interactive mental health campaign

The #MovementIsMedicine campaign encourages first responders to stay active while learning resiliency skills

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Photo/First Responders Are Human

By Laura French

First Responders Are Human, a group launched by cyclists to promote mental health initiatives, will host an interactive virtual mental health campaign in May to engage with first responders across the United States and Canada.

The organization, which launched in May 2016 with The Capital-to-Capital Mental Health Campaign and Ride from Washington, D.C. to Ottawa, Ontario, will hold the #MovementIsMedicine campaign May 3-16, 2021, according to a press release. The campaign encourages first responders and their friends and family members to stay active through exercises such as cycling, hiking, walking, running, doing yoga or kayaking while learning a different resiliency skill each day, presented by Psychotherapist Parul Shah.

The group’s dedication to promoting first responder mental health began with its first ride five years ago, which spanned 1,000 miles over 14 days.

“At many steps along that two-week journey First Responders of all stripes met these riders at their stations, firehouses, headquarters,” the organization stated in a press release. “They had conversations in an effort to break down the stigma associated with mental health, PTSD and suicide.”

The #MovementIsMedicine campaign will coincide with American Hospital Association Mental Health Month and Canadian Mental Health Association Mental Health Week. Participation is free and anyone can register at First Responders Are Human’s recently-launched website.*F