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Video: 60-second sitting stretch for analysts and dispatchers

Check out this quick stretching routine to do at your desk or workstation in less than a minute

Crime analysts and dispatchers face unique challenges that can take a toll on their physical well-being. Long hours at a desk, intense focus, and often high-stress situations can lead to significant muscle tension, reduced flexibility, and physical fatigue.

Recognizing the importance of wellness in these roles, Mandy Nice, Lexipol senior strategic wellness director, created a series of stretching videos to provide quick practical relief from the physical stresses associated with long periods of sitting. Each stretch is designed to target areas commonly affected by prolonged time at a desk or workstation, helping to restore flexibility and reduce muscle stiffness.

The sitting stretch demonstrated in this video will help relieve tension in your neck, shoulder and back.

These guided exercises promote physical wellness and serve as a moment to reset mentally, encouraging a balance between physical health and job performance. These stretches aim to help crime analysts and dispatchers maintain better posture, improve circulation, and release built-up tension.

Check out this quick 60-second strength routine you can do several times a day to improve your fitness and quality of life