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Video: Chicago officers run down by suspect in getaway vehicle

While officers were detaining the car’s driver, a passenger jumped into the driver’s seat and drove off, hitting two officers

By Joanna Putman

CHICAGO — A viral video captured the moment a fleeing suspect ran down two police officers, CBS News Chicago reported.

Bystander video from the Feb. 10 incident shows police boxing in a vehicle and detaining a person outside of the car. The person being detained was the driver, according to the report. Both the driver and passenger were suspected of breaking into apartments and cars.

After the driver was taken out of the car, the passenger jumped into the driver’s seat. The car surged forward, injuring two officers as the suspect fled. The officers had their service weapons drawn at the start of the arrest but did not fire them, according to the report.

“The officers had every right to shoot, but they were more concerned with the citizens around them,” said Mylan Masson, former director of law enforcement training in Minnesota.

The original driver of the car, Darius Carter, 32, was taken into custody and charged with attempted theft. The driver who hit the officers remains at large.