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Grant is expected to ‘tighten belt’ on distracted, impaired drivers

he $110,000 grant was awarded to the Newport Beach Police Department by the California Office of Traffic Safety for a year-long program

Newport Beach Patch

NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. — A new state grant is expected to help the Newport Beach Police Department reduce deaths and injuries on the roadways, officials reported.

The $110,000 grant was awarded to the Newport Beach Police Department by the California Office of Traffic Safety for a year-long program aimed at tightening the belt on distracted and impaired drivers.

According to a news release, the grant will pay for the department to train officers in Drug and Alcohol Recognition, DUI saturation patrols, motorcycle safety enforcement, distracted driving enforcement and traffic enforcement operations targeting speeding, red light runners and stop sign enforcement.

Full Story: Police Receive Grant to Improve Roadway Safety