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IACTP issues Call for Presentations for 32nd Annual Training & Performance Conference, October 2017


CLEVELAND — The International Association of Correctional Training Personnel (IACTP) has issued a Call for Presentations for its upcoming Training and Performance Conference in Cleveland, Ohio. Workshop slots are available for individuals and groups interested in conducting presentations at the conference.

To submit a proposal online, visit the official IACTP website or click here.

The 2017 IACTP Conference will be held in Cleveland, Ohio from October 15 - 18, 2017. Hosted by the Ohio Department of Rehab & Correction and the Ohio Department of Youth Services, the convention will be held at the Wyndham Cleveland at Playhouse Square.

Proposals may also be submitted by emailing or by mail:

Jim Wiseman, Conference Programming Coordinator
IACTP (c/o Missouri Department of Corrections)
1717 Industrial Drive, 3rd Floor
P.O. Box 236
Jefferson City, MO, 65102

Phone: 573-522-5977

All proposals must be received no later than July 1, 2017 for consideration.

About the IACTP Annual Trainers’ Conference
IACTP is a criminal justice association that includes members of the training professions from national, state and local corrections agencies, community corrections, juvenile justice, higher education, academies and commissions, and private corrections. We expect attendance to be from 75-150 participants, with approximately 15-30 participants per workshop. The smaller size of this conference affords exhibitors more personal contact with the conference attendees, all focused on criminal justice training.

The Annual Trainers’ Conference is a unique forum that brings together correctional leaders, training managers, trainers, field instructors, consultants and others interested in both effective corrections practice and exemplary training strategies. It provides attendees with the opportunity to network and share innovative approaches being used within correctional agencies throughout the country. We hope you will have a participatory role in shaping the agenda and future direction of our corrections system.