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J&N Tactical launches the new Vandal™ BR-5

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Vandal™ BR-5The new Vandal™ BR-5 is the most destructive and effective break and rake tool on the market today. The Vandal™ is available in the following lengths: 36", 54" and 72". The two break-head design allows the operator a greater tacticaladvantage when breaking and clearing out an opening. The new “hammer plate” located at the base of the “Y” removes both vertical and horizontal window supports with ease. The laser cut teeth on the break heads will pull fabric and window blinds from any opening.
Two rake fins near the break head assist in removing stubborn glass captured along the perimeter of the window frame. The D-Handle and shaft of the Vandal™ are resin coated for a good firm grip. The Vandal™ is another quality built tool which carries J&N’s lifetime warranty.

The Vandal™ BR-5 was designed and developed by J&N’s owner, who has over 20 years as a FT police officer and 16 years as a tactical team operator. The Vandal™ BR-5 has been tried and tested by several SWAT teams around the country, which have all given great reviews.

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