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September 11, then and now

This 9/11 special coverage reflects on the impacts and commemorations of the September 11 attacks, 20 years later. Articles provide personal narratives from survivors, the lasting effects on law enforcement and first responders, and ways to honor the fallen through community service and education.

The challenges and trends that defined 2021
After 9/11, Dan Rowan, a 21-year FDNY veteran, moved from New York to Arizona to become a fourth-generation police officer – a change he says got him through some of his darkest days
CIA and FBI analyst Philip Mudd describes the goals and methods for local law enforcement networks to focus their concerns
Port Authority Officer Will Jimeno, who was trapped in the World Trade Center rubble, shares what he has learned from his recovery post-9/11
Guidance for managing the emotions associated with the anniversaries of traumatic incidents
Public safety leaders reflect on the 21st anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks and the legacy of 9/11 in the emergency services
A veteran LEO reminds a young officer to always remember those responders who remained constant, controlled and calm in the midst of chaos
While the report covers many areas of improvement, one devastatingly important factor current LEOs should consider is the need to share intelligence and information
Constructing a sound disaster plan ahead of an event is key for a successful response
The short film shares interviews from police officers and firefighters who were there that day
We must never forget what happened 20 years ago on 9/11 and what must be done to ensure it never happens again
Podcast hosts Jim Dudley, Chris Cebollero, Marc Bashoor and Rob Lawrence address how 9/11 affected all facets of public safety
The exhibit recognizes the 72 officers killed on September 11, as well as 236 officers who died of illnesses contracted while working in the hazardous conditions at the WTC
Readers and columnists share their thoughts as we commemorate the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on our nation
Terrorists need three things to be able to act: intention, capability and opportunity. And those can all be interrupted by vigilant policing
By learning to recognize the phases of the Terrorist Attack Cycle, you may be able to break the cycle before plans are finalized and lives are lost
Honor the sacrifices and the legacy left by 9/11 responders by marking the anniversary with community service, education and self-care
The American flag, raised by NYC firefighters at Ground Zero shortly after the terrorist attacks on 9/11, was discovered years later in Washington state
A former NYPD officer discusses how repeated exposure to trauma took its toll on his mental health and his family
An NYPD sergeant shares the memories of his friends who willingly ran into the burning towers and participated in the largest rescue mission ever in the history of New York City
We remain forever moved by the courage of the first responders and military personnel who responded to the threat that day