Title: Into the Kill Zone
Author: David Klinger
Christopher Whitcomb, author, Cold Zero; inside the FBI Hostage Rescue Team:
“Into the Kill Zone” is a startling and important book - a stark, no-holds barred journey into the minds of the people who have made the ultimate decision. Klinger’s prose captures the adrenaline, emotion, and split-second decisions hissubjects faced in the field. this is a Must-Read for anyone who has ever wondered about what it takes to face a life-and-death struggle & win”
LtCol Dave Grossman USArmy, RANGER, Ret. author, On Killing and On Combat:
“David Klinger goes where no one has gone before, telling what really happens in the minds and bodies in combat."Police & military, and those who love them; military and police history readers, should all read this book”
David Klinger, himself, a former LAPD Officer, once involved in an OIS = Officer Involved Shooting, and now a Professor, has taken his experience & that of some 80 officers involved in of over 118 OIS - and in their own words has presented for the public - the reader - an opportunity to view, thru the eyes of the involved ofc’s, a glimpse into what it was really like to be in an O I S - Officer Involved Shooting.
In today’s society where the media quickly & often blatantly skews the facts when Police or Law Enforcement in general as well as our Military are involved; “IF IT BLEEDS - IT LEADS” has severely tainted the view of far too many Americans. We clearly have to deal with so many overzealous liberals & media personalities making it hard tobe better prepared for the aftermath.
Thanks to David’s in depth study & his exhaustive research we can now direct those less informed & other See it from the Officer’s perspective...What went thru their mind, after they were forced to pull the trigger - David goes into some length describing, again in their own words, some of the Physical & Psychological challenges they each faced, or didn’t in some cases.
David takes us right up to the moment of the shooting & beyond. Helping to explore the mystery of OFFICER INVOLVED SHOOTING -Including how many of them coped or did not, afterwards.
Never before has such an in depth study been made available to the General Public, about what it takes to Pull the Trigger, why in many cases the trigger was pulled, and how those who made that decision got thru it, or are still battling with their decision. We owe David Klinger, a great deal of gratitude for his excellent work. It comes complete with a 7 pg. glossary for the uninitiated and Non-Officer’s - Also listed are David’s references - A Virtual Library of references...
No matter your JOB, if you wear a Badge/Uniform & carry or Fire a GUN as part of your JOB, this book is an eye-opener; you should get a copy and read it. NOW!!!