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Law Enforcement Policies

This Policies section highlights how law enforcement policy plays out in the real world, while also connecting you with best practices for drafting, updating and ensuring accountability with policies.

After thousands of former police firearms were linked to crimes, the ATF warns law enforcement to reconsider resale policies. Should departments mandate destruction instead?
The goal isn’t to give female officers an advantage — it’s about leveling the playing field
The 287(g) program allows ICE to deputize local officers to perform immigration enforcement duties, including identifying and processing noncitizens in custody for potential removal
SDPD Chief Scott Wahl said that the department “believes imposing these restrictions could negatively impact public safety”
The change follows the Scott v. Smith decision, in which a court ruled a fatal use of force in a mental health response unjustified and questioned if LEOs should have been involved
“I want to stress that this program is about illegal migrants who have committed crimes,” said Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman. “This isn’t about raids.”
The department, which reiterated its commitment not to “enforce immigration violations” expanded its list of charges it would report to ICE upon arrest
While officers and law enforcement supporters have embraced the image as a source of pride, others see the blue line flag as a banner of defiance
Learn how proactive strategies can help your agency stay ahead of legislative, technological and operational changes this year
Policies help foster accountability in public safety and in our personal lives; effective policies foster success in all areas of life
Put those policies out there and make them easy to access; we really have nothing to hide
The Supreme Court’s ruling in Barnes v. Felix could help resolve whether use of force should be judged by the moment of threat doctrine or the totality of the circumstances
The most relevant and important human factors that every investigator, administrator and trainer should understand when conducting use-of-force investigations and reviews
Administrators who prohibit their officers from firing at or from a vehicle are tying their hands from possible life-saving solutions
Gov. Gavin Newsom criticized Oakland’s policy as an “extreme outlier” that undermines public safety and crime prevention
The video led to a frisk and concealed firearm discovery, sparking debate over reasonable suspicion and the legality of the search
The legislation, which went into effect on July 1, 2024, requires police to file reports for all interactions with the public, from brief inquiries to actions ending in arrests
The review found that body cameras and liaison officers helped the Portland Police Bureau increase transparency, but more improvements are needed to achieve compliance
Last year, MSP paid out nearly $8.5 million in overtime; on average, troopers made $27,636 in overtime pay, with one trooper earning $127,600 in overtime alone
The report cites Fourth Amendment violations, poor training and inadequate supervision as issues in the Trenton Police Department
The Supreme Court recently agreed to hear Barnes v. Felix, a case that could redefine how officers’ split-second decisions are judged
The Anchorage PD’s review recommended using more “team” responses, outfitting officers with more effective less-lethal weapons and increasing the use of drones
The Barnes v. Felix case brings a federal circuit split to the Supreme Court, challenging whether deadly force should be judged at the “moment of threat” or under a broader “totality of circumstances” approach
The Center for Immigration Studies estimated that “the number of illegal and inadmissible migrants living in Massachusetts” was about 355,000
Voters passed Proposition U, which set the “unprecedented” minimum staffing goal, and Proposition S, which could allow citizens to sue the city if the goal is not met
The City Council approved a new three-year contract with the Sterling Heights Police union that also includes double-digit pay increases and a boost in medical benefits
The Commission on Police Practices suggested the agency should prohibit pursuits over property crime “unless other aggravation factors such as armed resistance are present”
How do I get my all-male command staff to understand and support my rights as a pregnant officer?
“We understand change can be difficult, but we believe it’s important to embrace new traditions that foster camaraderie and individuality,” Plano PD stated