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Idaho company cleans up police vehicles

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On the Spot takes the grime out of fighting Blackfoot crime

Idaho Falls Post Register

BLACKFOOT, Idaho — Bingham County public servants got a little service of their own Wednesday.

Balloons and flowers decorated the county courthouse in honor of Administrative Assistants’ Day, and a barbecue lunch came along with it, all courtesy of On the Spot Cleaning and Restoration.

While law enforcement officers and other employees from Blackfoot and Bingham County munched on hamburgers and hot dogs, chips and potato salad, On The Spot shampooed the interiors of more than 60 county vehicles and Action Power Washing steam cleaned the engines.

“Patrolmen live in their cars; they work 10 hours a day,” said Capt. Kurt Asmus of the Blackfoot Police Department. “That’s their office, in all kinds of weather.”

Cleaning up a year’s worth of grime took almost all day. On the Spot kept nearly a dozen workers and three cleaning vans busy from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

It’s the third year the company has sponsored the event in Blackfoot and the first year its employees fired up the grill. On The Spot plans to sponsor a similar appreciation day in Idaho Falls in May and in Pocatello in June.

“They do a lot of what we don’t want to do, and it’s a very thankless job,” said Sarah Ward, marketing manager for On The Spot. “This is a way to give them a big thanks for risking their necks to save everybody else.”