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Louisville Police Investigate City’s 3rd Homicide in 4 Days

By Frances Kuo, WAVE-3 TV News (Louisville, Ky.)

Louisville, Ken. -- A violent week in Louisville continued into the weekend with another murder -- the third in four days. The string of shootings has left three people dead and several others wounded. And at this point, police don’t have any suspects. WAVE 3’s Frances Kuo reports.

Police were called to an apartment building in the 3100 block of Vermont Avenue about 8:45 Saturday morning. That’s where they found 23-year-old Anthony Calhoun, who had been shot to death. Police say he did not live in the building and they don’t know why he was in the neighborhood.

Mary McAtee spends a lot of days on her friend’s porch, watching traffic and people. But never in her 30-plus years in the neighborhood has she seen anything like Friday’s murder.

Friday’s shooting was the latest in a string of homicides and shooting this week. Both police and residents are at a loss to explain the spate of violence. “I don’t what it is, I can’t say.”

Calhoun’s murder is the city’s 10th homicide this year -- and the third in less than a week.

Louisville Metro Police spokesman Dwight Mitchell agrees it has been a violent week. “Three in one week is a lot.”

The other cases this week include Wednesday’s murder of 68-year-old Wigberto Perez, found beaten to death in his Crescent Hill apartment as well as a triple shooting at the Hampton Place apartments at 16th and Madison streets that claimed the life of 24-year-old Tyson Gibbs and wounded to other men.

Mitchell says the warmer weather may have played a role. “People are more out and about during warm weather, I don’t know if that attributes to murder or homicide in particular. But naturally, when people are out more, the possibility of things like that happening, those numbers are multiplied.”

For McAtee, “it’s upsetting.... It wasn’t like this when I was growing up.” But she says she’s not scared, and she will continue people-watching on the porch, but with a more wary eye.

Despite the three murders this week, metro police say the number of homicides this year is a bout the same as in recent years.