LIVINGSTON, La. (AP) - One of two men who escaped from jail by slipping under a chain-link fence and then scaling a ladder over razor wire was captured Sunday after a motorist spotted him walking along a highway. The second escaped inmate remained at large.
The two men, accused in separate killings, broke out of jail Saturday while they were out of their cells for an hour of exercise, Sheriff Willie Graves said.
Gerald Bordelon was captured by Livingston Parish sheriff’s deputies and Louisiana State Police less than a mile from the prison, said sheriff’s Det. Stan Carpenter.
“They got the bloodhounds in on him, and with the helicopters on him they just went in and picked him up,” Carpenter said.
Bordelon awaits trial on murder and kidnapping charges in the death of his 12-year-old stepdaughter.
John Priest, who was still at large Sunday morning, was convicted Thursday night of manslaughter and obstruction of justice for killing a man and burning his house. Priest has said he killed Ralph Noland Jr. in self-defense.
Police continued their search for Priest in the woods around Interstate 12 and along railroad tracks where Priest’s black-and-white prison shirt was found discarded.
Graves said Priest is considered dangerous, and police told residents to lock their cars and their homes.