By Police1 Staff
BLUEFIELD, W.Va. — The Princeton Police Department is following in the footsteps of so many departments before and donning ‘In God We Trust’ on their cruisers, Bluefield Daily Telegraph reported.
“We thought it was a real good idea,” Chief John Howell told the news site. “Everyone has their opinion and this is our opinion. The one way I look at it is that police officers are looked to as guardians and we feel like that there is an ultimate guardian.”
The slogan is something the department strongly believes in and with support from city officials, they plan on outfitting all their patrol vehicles with the lettering as quickly as possible.
“We just want people to know how we feel and this is how we feel not only as the police department but as a city,” Howell said.
Officers were elated to have the lettering on their vehicles, WVNS TV reported.
“It’s an honor,” Sgt. Tommy Bailey told WVNS. “We’re not trying to push anything on anybody. Everybody has the right to feel how they want to feel and we’re ok with that.”
Police have received positive feedback from the community as well.
“I think we’ve taken God too much out of society and need to hopefully put him in,” community member David Okes said to the news site.
The project costs $20 a car and all of the funds used to purchase the lettering came in through donations.