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Establishing goals and testing during training

When developing training programs sometimes the main focus can get lost. Make sure your students know what is expected of them. If possible, share the lesson plans with them before they are reporting for in-service training. Granted not all will read it but for most, this gives them some insight on what they will be doing and help get in the mind set before they start.

Learning Objectives: These need to be exactly what the training program is soliciting from the student. You also need to give them the tools to make this achievement possible. It is always best to pick a few and accomplish them than to try to cover so many you fall short or become too hurried or confused.

Testing and Evaluating Performance

There are many ways to measure the proficiency of your students. We use four areas:

1. Written test This is consisting of multiple choice or true and false

2. Practical application This consists of executing each technique in a slow form manner allowing you to judge the students’ ability to execute each technique correctly.

3. High level simulations This will have the student in a realistic situation and measure their ability to execute the material learned in a stress-filled performance scenario. This allows you to judge the students’ ability to execute each technique with a “survival level of proficiency.”

4. Teach back During class, the instructor should have a teach back phase so the students can show their ability to present and teach the material they have been learning.

Dave Young writes on a diverse topics dealing with crowd management, chemical and specialty impact munitions, protocol and selection of gear and munitions, ground defense tactics, and water-based defensive tactics.