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Policing Matters Podcast: How to help prevent police suicide during the holidays

Jim and Doug discuss the need for officers to be vigilant about speech and behaviors that can be warning signs, as well as the various services available to people in crisis

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Depending on whose data you cite, somewhere between 125 and 150 officers reportedly kill themselves annually. Conventional wisdom states that the holiday season presents an uptick in the yearly numbers. The CDC says that this is not the case, but regardless, we hope to prevent any suicide from occurring within the holidays. Jim and Doug discuss the need for officers to be vigilant about speech and behaviors that can be warning signs, as well as the various services available to people in crisis — such as Safe Call Now, Serve and Protect, National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, and 1st Help.

Policing Matters law enforcement podcast with host Jim Dudley features law enforcement and criminal justice experts discussing critical issues in policing