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24/7 tactical: 7 tips for off-duty safety

Here are several tips that can help you stay safe at home, or anywhere else for that matter

Living and policing in a world of active shooters, mass murders and threats from terrorist requires you to take your off-duty tactics seriously. Today’s society and the threats that we face require you to maintain a strong tactical mindset 24/7.

I am surprised at how many officers are willing to share their professional information on social media websites such as Facebook. We all have a drawer full of t-shirts that say police in some form or fashion on them. Many of us chose not to carry a weapon off duty, and how many cops do you know that have a police logo license plate or their police union sticker on their back windshield?

In tactical training, I would refer to this type of behavior as “target indicators.” I understand the root of this behavior is displaying pride in what they do. I too, am proud of my profession. However, I have asked my wife to refrain from sharing what I do with people we don’t know in social settings. My children also conduct themselves in this manner.

It Can Happen to Anyone

Some time ago I was living in the city I work for, and while my wife was cooking dinner two men knocked on my front door. I was off duty at the time and answered the door. To my surprise a man that lives in the same condo complex was standing on my doorstep. Here’s the problem. I was familiar with this man because our narcs had advised me to be careful with this guy as he was currently under investigation for trafficking narcotics and was known to carry a handgun.

Luckily I peeked out of the doorwall before I answered the door. When I saw this dirt bag on my porch I was surprised (to say the least). I grabbed my .40 off the refrigerator and slipped it in my waistband. I advised my wife to call 911 if the conversation goes south. I opened the door and stood there with my Glock ready for action and listened to what he had to say.

He stated in an arrogant tone, “Hey, you’re a cop. Can you fix my cousins ticket?” as he pointed to the second man standing beside him. I quickly responded by advising him to promptly leave my property, which he did.

I didn’t give this incident much thought afterwards other than the narcs were correct about this guy – I will, indeed, have to watch him. Less than a year later that same dirt bag was arrested by narcotic officers from a neighboring jurisdiction for narcotics trafficking. While being booked in the lock up he shot and killed one of their veteran detectives. I don’t want to get into how he got a gun into the jail because that’s not the topic of this article. However, the moral of the story here is that could have been me dealing with this idiot off duty on my front porch in front of my family.

Off-duty Tactics

How did knucklehead know I was a cop? Because I would park my squad car in my driveway every night when I came home for dinner. That was a mistake and I learned a valuable lesson from that day.

When I started 20 years ago the old timers were very cautious of sharing the fact that they were cops. I always assumed it was because they started the profession in the seventies Vietnam era when policing wasn’t so glamorous. They lived their private lives very discreetly back in those days. Here are several tips that can help you stay safe at home, or anywhere else for that matter.

  1. Situational awareness must be active and high all the time. No matter if your walking in a crowded mall or sitting with your back to the wall watching the door in a restaurant always be aware of your surroundings.
  2. Carry a handgun 24/7. Crime occurs everywhere and the time you need that weapon and you don’t have it may be the worst mistake of your life. At least carry off duty to protect your family!
  3. Don’t wear those police T-shirts that we all have overloading our dressers out in public. Obviously, you’re an easy target when you’re advertising you’re the police. My wife gets all my police t-shirts for nightshirts.
  4. Take those stickers off your cars that indicate you belong to a police union or support the police. In my home state of Michigan they even have FOP license plates. Do your wife a favor and don’t put her in a position that may endanger her and your family when dirt bag is having a bad day and targets them for revenge. Let’s face it, the only reason guys put those plates on their cars is vanity or hopes that it will keep them from getting pulled over. The problem is, every cop supporter out there has a sticker or license plate and I know those stickers never stopped me from making a traffic stop. The only thing that will save your butt (or not) on a traffic stop is a badge, department identification, and professional courtesy.
  5. Some guys advocate carrying two wallets. I have never been a big fan of that so I carry my driver’s license, charge cards, and cash folded up and secured with a rubber band in my front pocket. If you get robbed, hand over the folded money and cards and leave your badge and wallet in your pocket until it’s time to take action.
  6. Walk with your wife and family on the opposite side of your holstered weapon to free up your shooting hand.
  7. Have a queue that only you and your wife know of such as, “Lets go get a smoke.” I don’t smoke, so she knows if I say that it’s time to bug out.

These are only a few tips – I bet you guys have many more – but the goal here is to reduce that off-duty murder rate. Stop assuming it can’t happen to you. I wonder how many of our fallen brothers felt the same way before sacrificing their lives?

Stay safe.

Glenn French, a retired Sergeant with the Sterling Heights (Mich.) Police Department, has 24 years police experience and served as the Team Commander for the Special Response Team, and supervisor of the Sterling Heights Police Department Training Bureau. He has 16 years SWAT experience and also served as a Sniper Team Leader, REACT Team Leader, and Explosive Breacher.