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Are you riding with blinders on?

Amid all the bad talk and negative media coverage we are hearing and seeing, I hear some street officers saying “I’ll just put the blinders on and avoid getting involved with anything on a proactive level.”

That kind of thinking just doesn’t fit into our profession. I’m not saying I don’t understand it — just saying it doesn’t fit the occupation.

Why not? Because we don’t always have the luxury of just riding around for a tour of duty and not doing anything.

We have to answer the radio and we don’t pick and choose assignments. Dispatch calls your number and you’re up. Like it or not it’s your assignment. That being a fact of the profession you got to go.

How about the citizen that approaches you, the wave down, hey excuse me officer that man is drunk causing a problem. Those types of things happen every day, everywhere USA.

If you think you can get by to your retirement without doing or seeing anything you are truly not thinking clearly. Why? Because you can’t.

This job is full of unknowns and uncertain and sometimes predictable outcomes.

We just can’t pick the house call we get like a roofer or plumber we get called we got to go.

When you have the “I’m not going to do anything” attitude you short change yourself and every officer around you.

You become complacent and callous.

You will miss clues that might get you hurt or killed.

Always have a clear mind and a clear heart for your safety and those you work with.

Back up on calls with enthusiasm for your partner’s sake — he or she wants help when needed not sarcasm and an “I’m not doing anything” mentality.

We have to be better than all the negative press and anti-police rhetoric. We must stand the test of time. Be vigilant in your duties be mindful of your surroundings answer your calls as though this could be the one that puts you in the fight of your life. If you have a negative I don’t give a damned approach you may be fighting your own demon plus the bad guy.

Be smart, be professional, be tactical, be safe. God can only do so much — we need to be our own keepers too.