Almost everyone we stop, from soccer moms to gang bangers, seem to have a cell phone. I got this great reminder from Street Survival Seminar for Women attendee Kathy Church of the Los Rios Police Department, Los Rios Community College District, Sacramento, CA:
“We now routinely ask the people in the car to not use their phones during traffic stops. If they will not comply, we take the phones and place them not he roof of the stopped vehicle. Area police departments follow the same protocol.
“There’s nothing like having a few cars full of gangbangers showing up behind you patrol vehicle to instill a real respect for the powers of communication. So call in your stop, and backup/drive by is essential. Call in any other vehicles that ‘arrive’ during the stop. From personal experience, the driver/passengers will call everyone from ‘friends’ to ‘parents’ to ‘lawyers’ and turn your traffic stop into a three-ring circus!”
Words to live by Kathy, thanks!