By Jeff Manning
SPRINGFIELD, Ore. — Springfield police took a man into custody Sunday morning after authorities said he repeatedly launched powerful fireworks at officers.
The man had a supply of vintage blasting caps and “commercial-grade, mortar type fireworks,” police said.
Police found the man on a local bike path after getting several early-morning complaints about gunshots. When officers tried to talk to him, the man allegedly began shooting the fireworks toward them and their patrol cars.
The told police he wanted officers to shoot him, the department said, and officers were struck by portions of the exploding fireworks and the concussion of the explosions impacted their hearing.
Officers finally got close enough to grab the man as he tried to ignite another firework.
Members of the Eugene Police Department’s bomb squad later arrived and found the man had a cache of old but still operable blasting caps, small but powerful explosives used to detonate larger explosives.
Blasting caps become more sensitive as they degrade, to the point that even static electricity could ignite them. Had the man successfully lit one, it likely would have killed him immediately and threatened nearby officers, the Eugene bomb squad members said.
The suspect’s name was not released. Police had obtained a warrant to search a Thurston residence Sunday in connection with the incident.
Springfield Police Chief Andrew Shearer commended his officers for ending the confrontation with no one getting seriously hurt. Their actions “exemplify the dedication to resolving incidents that put community members and officers at risk in a manner that places the highest value on the sanctity of life of all involved,” Shearer said.
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