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We’re better in numbers, so look out for one another

My message of the day is: We must be a force of one.

Who has your back? Can you depend on the other officers around you? Can they depend on you? Do you respond to traffic stops of another officer if you are in the area? Do you see other officers drive by and check on you when you are out on a stop? How about backing up on calls without being assigned.

Are we taking care of one another out there or are we just every man and woman for ourselves.

Why do we need to be a force of one? Because we are strength in numbers the more of us the bad guys see at the less likely they are to do something that may get you hurt or worse.

Traffic stops are one of the most dangerous things a single officer can do — you never know who they are or what their intentions are when you get out of your vehicle to approach theirs. If the subject has bad intentions that second unit driving by or stopping will definitely in most cases, change his way of thinking. We are always better in numbers, so please look out for one another out there. Never let an officer stand alone if you can be available for a backup.

We don’t call 911. We ARE 911. Stay safe, stay focused, stay tactical, stay alive.