By Police1 Staff
MADISON, Wis. — A state senator is calling for an investigation and disciplinary action after a University of Wisconsin-Madison student released a video portraying a beheading of an officer dressed as a pig.
Eneale Pickett released the video to promote his social justice clothing line, WISC reported. The video, combined with sounds of President Donald Trump’s speeches and protests, shows a cop dressed as a pig being beheaded. One of the sweatshirts displayed in the video says “I would ask for justice, but she’s helping the cops burn my body.”
Sen. Steve Nass said in an email obtained by WISN that the video is “vile [and] anti-police” and he wants a full investigation into the video.
“Is this free speech? This is not free speech when you’re inciting violence. This is like yelling fire in a crowded theater,” Nass said.
Pickett said it was meant to start a conversation of police brutality. University officials have spoken to Pickett, but it was regarding the posting of the video on a university server. They said it violated a policy governing commercial activities.
University officials told WISC that while they may not agree with the message, they “appreciate and respect people’s opinions and their right to free speech.” They said no investigation has been launched because “no crimes have been committed.”