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US Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services Announces Awards for Innovative Policing Projects

Washington, D.C. (August 2, 2011) – The U.S. Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) today announced awards totaling more than $6 million under the Community Policing Development grant program, which funds a broad range of projects intended to advance community policing practices.

The Community Policing Development program supports innovative community policing strategies, applied research, guidebooks, and best practices that are national in scope. This year, the program funded projects related to a number of public safety topic areas, including Policing in a New Economy, Ethics and Integrity, Children and Youth Safety, the Role of Community Policing in Homeland Security, and Urban Violence. Additional topics include Basic Community Policing Regional Technical Assistance, Critical Response Technical Assistance, and Core Community Policing Training Curriculum Development.

“The agencies recognized today have created programs and initiatives that can assist every department in the nation with efforts to address public safety issues,” said COPS Director Bernard K. Melekian. “These are efficient, effective programs that can make a lasting impact on the practice of policing.”

The Community Policing Development solicitation was open to all public governmental agencies, profit and non-profit institutions, universities, community groups and faith based organizations. Accepted proposals were of national relevance, designed to significantly advance the field of community policing, and demonstrated an understanding of community policing as it pertains to the application topic.

To learn more about the Community Policing Development grant program and review the full list of accepted applications for 2011, please visit