By Chris Higgins
Daily Citizen
BEAVER DAM, Wis. — Beaver Dam police officers will soon be outfitted with body cameras after the department received a grant to help cover the cost.
Police Chief John Kreuziger said the department received a federal grant of about $40,000 to cover the costs associated with the cameras. The grant required a match, so the other $40,000 will come out of the 2021 city budget. Every officer will receive a camera and charging station, including the chief. The department was hoping to get the cameras even without the grant.
“The body cams will allow the public a clear view into an incident, including those involving use of force,” Kreuziger said. Body camera footage is subject to records requests from the media and other members of the public. Kreuziger said the accountability of police departments has become a huge focus nationwide as there has been a call for transparency, especially in incidents where police officers use force.
Full story: Beaver Dam Police Department receives grant for body cams