Duty Death: Sheldon Whiteman - [Long County]
End of Service: 23/01/2020
By Amanda Lien
LONG COUNTY, Ga. — A Long County deputy was killed early Thursday morning while assisting in a vehicle pursuit.
WTOC reports Deputy Sheldon Whiteman was killed when his vehicle left the roadway and struck the wood line just after joining the pursuit of a motorist seen running stop signs in a nearby town. Whiteman was transported to Liberty Regional Medical Center in Hinesville, where he died from his injuries.
“It’s just unfortunate that this happens when people fail to stop for law enforcement and anytime anyone loses their life in the law enforcement field,” Capt. Thornell King, Troop Commander of Georgia State Patrol, told WTOC. “It’s a tragedy and it’s just a bad thing for the county of Long County today.”
Authorities are still searching for the suspect, according to WTOC.