Ground-breaking new conference will focus on saving lives, officer wellness, higher performance and human connection
A 2021 survey by Police1 found that officer morale decreased by 75% during the last year, and over half of surveyed officers stated that they would not recommend the career to others. Because of this, compiled with staggering statistics on officer health and life expectancy, Axon has created TASERCON to be an expression of its commitment to the importance of whole officer training and wellness.
This first-of-its kind training conference is designed to help agencies and officers perform at higher levels than ever before, with training and education designed around the whole officer. Geared toward law enforcement trainers, chiefs, command staff and officers, each attendee will walk away with something valuable and unique to their position and will experience new tools and technologies, hands-on professional development, certification courses and raw discussions around the biggest challenges facing public safety today. Agency leaders will also take away best practices for recruiting and retaining talent as well as understanding how wellness and vitality influence human performance.
“TASERCON is going to be one of the year’s most important and exciting events for our customers and partners,” says Rick Smith, Axon CEO and founder. “With three days of core programming centered around law enforcement education and training, attendees will gain new skills and innovative solutions to the complex issues facing public safety. We’ve also cultivated sessions around the symbiotic relationship between law enforcement and communities to up-level performance and provide greater outcomes.”
With break-out sessions purpose-built to drive safer outcomes and protect life, including: “Suicide in the Police Profession,” and “Surviving the First Three Seconds,” TASERCON attendees will obtain actionable advice on human-centered, positive policing strategies from a vast array of experts. Notable speakers include retired Chief of Police Kristen Ziman; co-founder of 30X30 Initiative Maureen McGough; retired USMC Colonel and best-selling author on leadership Tom Gordon; and former Chief of Police and renowned public speaker Paul Butler. Attendees will also have the opportunity for hands-on experiences such as a TASER device live-fire village, immersive Virtual Reality training lab, and peer-to-peer coaching sessions with actionable advice on wellness, nutrition and promotion readiness.
“TASERCON focuses on the whole officer — not just on-the-job tools and tactics,” says Andy Wrenn, Head of Axon Training. “We are building new skills and strategies that will help save lives, achieve higher levels of performance and create long-lasting impact.”
TASERCON will be held at the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas. To learn more or to register for TASERCON 2023, please visit For information about sponsorships or becoming a sponsor of TASERCON, please email