By Mike Boyle
The day of iron sights on the modern battle rifle and carbine are quickly drawing to a close. Optically enhanced sighting systems help the user achieve greater hit potential as well as place faster hits on target. These systems often utilize a dot or other high-visibility reticle for a quick, positive index on a target. Under actual field conditions, these sights have proven superior to iron sights in every way. Innovations from Insight Technology, an industry leader in the development of sighting and illumination tools, are being used by soldiers and law enforcement officers alike to consistently perform to a higher standard. Their new Integrated Sighting Module (ISM) is in a league all its own and boasts potential far beyond conventional red dot sight systems. Insight Technology has successfully combined a red dot sight system with both visible and infrared (IR) aiming lasers to give the user unprecedented potential in any light condition.
The ISM can be mounted atop any rifle with a MIL-STD 1913 rail. Weighing less than 10 ounces, the ISM is less obtrusive than units having lesser capabilities. Under normal or slightly reduced light conditions, the user is very well served by the 1.7 MOA red dot. Different power settings are available for optimum performance in various light conditions. However, the features that set the ISM apart from other sight systems are the co-aligned aiming lasers. Both the visible laser and the infrared laser have their advantages. The user can pick up the visible laser very fast in reduced light or indoors without any special equipment. A reliable index on a threat can be made without bringing the gun to the shoulder and obtaining a cheek-weld on the stock. This can be a very big tactical advantage when firing from non-typical positions, while wearing a biohazard suit or gas mask, or when injured. Past experience also illustrates visible lasers have a certain intimidation factor and sometimes brings about subject compliance without firing a shot. The infrared laser fills a different niche. When stealth is required, the infrared illuminator will help you locate and index on a threat. In a dark environment, the user is all but invisible while the threat is not. Power for the ISM is provided by a single 3-volt lithium battery. The ISM is also compatible with night vision devices to provide even greater flexibility under the widest possible range of light conditions.
Recently, I had an opportunity to check out the Insight Technology ISM and came away most impressed. The ISM was affixed to a Bushmaster M4 5.56 mm carbine. To break the ice, I fired at a silhouette 25 yards away. The late afternoon sky provided plenty of light and the red dot function of the ISM was utilized. Set up in this manner, I was able to keep both eyes open and deliver fast, center mass shots to the silhouette. Once darkness had fallen, the time was right to see what potential the infrared laser might have when testing the IR laser aimer. I also utilized an Insight Technology NVM 00A2 Mini-Monocular with a Generation 3 Image Intensifier mounted to a helmet. From a stable rest, I was able to make consistent hits on a steel silhouette 100 yards away. The fact that it was so dark you couldn’t see your hand in front of your face, made the ISM’s performance that much more impressive.
I was most impressed by the potential of the Insight Technology ISM. Insight Technology is also offering the ISM-V with the red dot and visible laser only for purchase by individuals. Because of the IR Laser and potential eye injury, the FDA limits sale of the ISM to government agencies. Insight Technology will be devoting a greater part of their marketing focus to law enforcement. Several new products will be introduced in the near future which will have special appeal for patrol officers as well as tactical operators. Cutting edge innovations such as the ISM will no doubt solidify Insight Technology’s position as a major player in the optically enhanced sighting systems field.