Orlando, FL -(Marketwire) - An Orlando-based defense unit of Cubic Corporation (NYSE: CUB) has opened a new instrumented training facility and live-fire range for military, law enforcement and security personnel. Cubic’s Simulation Systems Division today officially launched the Cubic Security & Enforcement Training Institute, or CSENTRI, with a dramatic tactical scenario starring the Orange County Sheriff’s SWAT team.
The action scenario -- featuring SWAT team members taking down a fugitive in a barricaded apartment -- was repeated hourly during grand opening festivities at the CSENTRI facility. Located on Oak Ridge Road, the multi-building facility may be rented by law enforcement, military and security organizations to practice tactical scenarios and marksmanship.
“Cubic wants to extend to law enforcement and security teams the superior training capability we currently provide the military,” said Brooks Davis, sales and marketing manager for Cubic Simulation Systems Division in Orlando. “Cubic’s live and virtual training systems allow personnel to practice tactical scenarios without live ammunition, and receive objective electronic assessments of how they performed. Law enforcement and security officers who utilize CSENTRI can also train with live ammunition, and Simunitions or UTM training ammunition. We want CSENTRI to be the most comprehensive private tactical training facility in the country.”
Invited to the opening of CSENTRI were representatives from the State of Florida and Federal law enforcement, the U.S. Army Program Executive Office for Simulation and Training Instrumentation (PEO STRI), the Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), security management professionals and gun club members.
Features of the CSENTRI facility include:
-- An indoor live-fire pistol range
-- A “Hogan’s Alley” area for live judgmental “shoot-don’t shoot” training
-- A Defensive Tactics training room with padded floors and walls for practicing the physical self-defense skills required in tactical situations
-- Two classrooms equipped with audiovisual systems
-- Cubic’s Engagement Skills Trainer (EST), which allows soldiers, law enforcement officers and security teams to hone their skills in marksmanship, collective and judgmental training
The facility also features an instrumented urban operations training area consisting of a multistory building with a rappelling tower. The U.S. Army uses the Reconfigurable Armored Tactical Personnel And Collective (RATPAC™) training system to train soldiers for urban warfare. UXB International, Inc., headquartered in Blacksburg, Va., developed RATPAC and Cubic provided video cameras and microphones, a public address system, power outlets, equipment for generating artificial smoke and smells, pop-up targets for shoot-don’t shoot drills, and software and computer systems for after-action reviews. All the Cubic systems are controlled from a single computer station. Cubic’s complete package of urban training instrumentation is branded ASAULT, which stands for Advanced Systems Architecture for Urban Live Training.
Cubic is evaluating adding an indoor rifle range and additional areas for urban and maritime security training as it continues to leverage its technology growth plans in the Urban Operations Training domain.
Cubic is teaming with international business partners to offer classes at the facility, and may eventually teach classes of its own for specialized markets. The businesses that are working with Cubic on CSENTRI include specialists in ammunition, armament safety, explosives and ordnance disposal, self-defense training, and tactical training gear, weapons and vehicles.
About Cubic Simulation Systems, Inc.
Cubic Simulation Systems, Inc. is part of the Defense Systems business of Cubic Corporation. Cubic Corporation is the parent company of three major business segments: Defense Systems, Mission Support Services and Transportation Systems. Cubic Defense Systems is a leading provider of realistic combat training systems and defense electronics. Mission Support Services is a leading provider of training, operations, maintenance, technical and other support services. Cubic Transportation Systems is the world’s leading provider of automated fare collection systems and services for public transit authorities. For more information about Cubic, see the company’s Web site at www.cubic.com.